Fr. Mike Thompson's Palm-Pilot Software Page
I finally bought a Palm-Powered PDA/phone, a Samsung SPH-I300. It's a nice little beast!
I've even written some software for it! Unfortunately, it is for my own use and not quite
ready for prime time.
All the same, I've got a few links.
The list of makers of Palm-Pilot-family machines is growing:
- Palm, Inc., which produces Palm OS and makes Palm PDAs,
- IBM, which sells Palm Pilots rebranded as Work Pads
- Handspring, which makes the Visor PDAs and Treo phones,
- Sony, which makes the CLIE handhelds,
- Kyocera, which makes the QCP 6035 Smartphone, and
- Samsung, which makes the SPH-I3x0-series PDA phones.
Thank you very much. Be sure to visit this page again to see how much
progress I've made.
Page begun on August 10, 2000.
Last updated on December 11, 2003.
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